conisci firenze


Nous vous presentons nos amis avec lesquels nous avons un rapport d’amitié, vous pouvez les contacter sur leur site web et vous pouvez les recontrer souvent auprés de notre accueil en rue Ricasoli 18 à Florence.

Notre But est de démontrer que la beauté est autour de nous, sur chaque pierre qu’on va plétiner ou toucher pendant notre marche, on doit la voir. Il ne sera pas facile mais ensemble on pourra essayer et peut etre reussir. L’association n’avait étée pas crée pour vivre un passé qui n’existe plus mais pour amour de la connaissance, des événements et des memoires historiques de la ville de Florence, avec l’esprit d’associer d’autres amis ayant notre meme passion.

Nous voulons confirmer que l’association est née exclusivement par la passion et par l’interet sans limits des ses fondateurs pour l’histoire et ses implications.

Nous sommes loins qu’etre “hors du temps”, au contraire nous habitons le monde avec délice et silenceuse contemplation, dans la méditation continue de l’évolution de l’histoire,notre coeur se dirige vers le passé pour consolation, en soutién d’un présent que peut etre nous ne représente pas ou ne satisfait pas, mais nous restons ses citoyens plus aperçus et attentives, meme si en équilibre entre etre public et acteurs. Nous gardons ce que nous sommes, la seule façon, desormais, pour rappeler à tout le monde et aux autres que nous avons une responsabilité vers les descendants tant ce que nos ancetres ont eu pour nous.


We are glad to tell you about our Friends, you can contact them on their site and also, you can often find them at our reception at Via Ricasoli 18 in Florence.

Our purpose is to show that beauty is around us, on every stone we walk or touch while walking, we just know it. It will not be easy but together we can try and maybe succeed. The Association was not born to live a past that is no longer present but for the love of the knowledge, events and historical memories of the city of Florence, with the hope to engage other friends who have our own passion.

You have seen us grow day by day and you have given us so much confidence and encouragement, both through the frequency with which you followed us on our web pages, and by participating in guided tours created by our collaborators. Now, we would like to develop a new path that will help you to participate directly in our activities through a new initiative that will allow all those interested to subscribe to the Association for free, so everyone will have the opportunity to interact with us. How? Each member will be able to suggest some insights into past or contemporary history, propose new routes, or provide ideas for the development of new web pages. You can also take advantage of the discounts that we will make on individual visits and come with us for walks, completely free, featuring art, history and fun.

We are saying that the association was born solely by the passion and infinite interest of its founders for history and its implications.

We are far from « out of time », indeed – we live the world with delicacy and silent contemplation, in the uninterrupted meditation of the evolution of History; Our heart turns to the past in comfort, in consolation, in support of a present that probably does not represent us or does not satisfy us, but remain its most cautious and caring citizens, albeit in balance between being spectators and actors. We will protect what we are, for perhaps it is the only way now to remind everyone and others that we have a responsibility for posters as our ancestors have for us.